June Larkin's Sexual Harassment High School

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June Larkin was a renowned teacher and author who education interested was doing research in the community particularly the youth of the national. Larkin career as a leader in Women and Gender Studies and Equity Studies, have allowed her to see and research the affect/effect of the educational system. And firsthand experience on the differences between gender and social equality in school. She used her experience to write her doctorate on sexual harassment because she felt that as an educator she must always unite and use concepts to apply it equal equity.

In her book Sexual Harassment High School she speak out , Larkin states that “, overall goal of this book is to help educators , parents and students understand and deal with the sexual …show more content…

Masculinity was the root purpose that as allowed male to constantly remind women that they are inferior to them. That they are not willing to give up that birthrate to be superior because for generations they were taught that men are the bread-winner and women are just seen house worker and mothers. Because of this stigma it has implanted a certain dominates that affect the way we view gender roles and expectations of those roles. That why when we view a playroom, young boy are seen as leader and girls are just following the leader. Those society roles soon translate in adolescence and caused to devalued and mistreat girls in general. Neither to say, sexual harassment have continue to be part of the climate in high schools. These girls are put into position every day that are not welcoming nor safe because of the implications we as a society allows to …show more content…

Those three concepts has undermine the confidence, integrity and maturely of these young high school because the root of the affect is so damaging. We see the consist battle that school programs try to protect the necessities of girl but still fail. Larkin critiques the fact that girls are more likely to be pursed to take nontraditional class because girls aren’t stimulated enough to comprehend. Still Failing at Fairness by Sadker and Zittelmen explained that same ideas that young girls are not encouraged nor given the same opportunity as the boys. According to Sadler and Zittelmen,” they documented the public silence of girls from school through graduate school, (119). They claimed that girls are second class behind men because they”, subjected to a terrifying curriculum of sexist school lessons that ranges all way from subtle forms of dismissal and exclusion to blatant act of harassment and abuse,”(Larkin 49). Girls all around are seen intelligent so when boy are aware of it, they use that power of intimidation against them. That attitude is then use ward sexual harassment that girl because they to believe women should be treated as sex objects and second class citizens. Their behaviors are not seen harmful because many might not see it as it is but see it more as a form of abuse of power. The message relay here is that