Junoler Lab Report

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The purpose of the lab was to find which combination of motor and propeller should be used to power a car. In order to do so, we needed to build a force gauge that could accurately measure force. To be able to measure force, we needed to understand what force is. Force is simply explained as an interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object. During the lab we wanted to measure force for a simple reason;it was our job. Our job, as described by Power dynamic corp., is to build a device that can accurately measure force, if we do not measure force than we can not do our job. The force that we calculated during our lab was of the force produced by three different fan. We wanted to measure the force of the fans so that we …show more content…

The first was when it came to assembling the motor wiring. The first couple test we were lucky and put the wiring on the right tab.Then the fourth testing came around, and an anomaly in the behavior of the fan accord; it was pushing the motor and spring up not down. We then took down the whole assembly and put it together again and that's when we realized that the tabs were labeled. When a positive or negative wire and tab came in touch, the fan would spin up. We switched them around and that when the fan spun down. We realized how important the electrical tabs and wires were. Not too long after the previous incident did we come across another problem. During our measurement, the fan would wrap the wires attached around itself. This excessive resistance caused our measurements to be off. We tried to length the wire,but all that did was add more wire to wrap, We then tried to shorten but that added even more resistance. After looking at the battery contraption we decided to move the battery from the top stachio to the side stanchion. This stopped the spinning and we got much more accurate data. The final problem that we encountered was more broader than all the other problems. During our measurement, we had been measuring wrong. We had been using a tape measure that had a metal loop on the bottom. We believed that the metal loop was for accessory and was not to be used to measure with. However, we learned that the bottom of the metal loop was the 0 cm mark. After learning this we had to remeasure all of our data due to this

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