Analysis Of Thomas Hobbes A Theory Of Justice

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Thomas Hobbes famously said that in the "state of nature", human life would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short". Without law and order, everyone would have the freedom to do as they pleased and thus lead to anarchy; there would be an endless war of all against all. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) To avoid this, free men made contracts with each other to establish political communities i.e. civil society through a social contract in which they all gain security . In his book A Theory of Justice (1972). He outlines two different principles for justice as fairness, the liberty principal and the difference principal. Although many philosophers discredit Rawls’ principles, his writing has begun a renewed, lively dialogue about civil …show more content…

I will discuss further how he manages to do this and comment on the significance of his contribution and the responses to the different perspectives used.

“Life is unfair” objection: In 1980, as Ronald Reagan ran for president, the Noble-prize winning economist Milton Friedman published a bestselling book, co-authored with his wife, Rose, called “Free to Choose.” It was a spirited and unapologetic defence of the free-market economy, and it became a textbook, even an anthem, for the Regan years. Public TV produced a TV series on the basis of the book, starring Friedman that is now freely available on the internet. While defending laissez-faire principles against egalitarian objections, Friedman made a surprising concession. He acknowledged that those who grow up in wealthy families and attend elite schools have an unfair …show more content…

For example, proponents of a highly unequal and competitive market economy may argue that the abundance of wealth produced by their preferred system contributes to the absolute standard of living of the poorest people in society. Critical Survey of Literature (2005) On the other hand, advocates of a highly redistributionist economy can maintain that radical redistribution of wealth will provide the greatest support for the poorest. Because no one can know—behind a veil of ignorance—which system would lead to the best possible lives for the poor, there can be no way of deciding what kind of society should be preferred. Rawls (1971). Rawls assumes that the society in question is under reasonably favourable conditions: that there are enough resources for it to be possible for everyone 's basic needs to be met. Rawls makes the assumption that the society is self-sufficient .He confines his attention mainly to ideal theory, leaving questions such as those of criminal justice out... Rawls obtains his account of primary goods based on the idea that all citizens are equal. Primary goods are: The basic rights and liberties; Freedom of movement, and free choice among a wide range of