Justifiable Inequality Chapter Summary

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Chapter seven dealt extensively with race and racial prejudice, issues that most people would like to see eradicated, but some still believe to be ever present. Souryal’s literature, which deals with real life situations as well as theory behind it, presents some interesting but unfortunate cases where people are mistreated or biased against for nothing more than their race. Racial prejudice is wrong and shouldn’t have any bearing on the justice system, but unfortunately—due to things like racial profiling—there are still cases where a precedent is set and police act, either consciously or unconsciously, against minorities instead of criminals. Strange concepts, such as justifiable inequality, were explained—this, in particular, was a concept I knew nothing about before reading Souryal’s chapter on it. The chapter also went into great depth about serious issues like discrimination and stereotyping, especially how stereotypes about minorities, which are perpetrated by a very small percentage of them, lead to police misconduct and police stereotypes that hurt many upstanding citizens who are black or Latino.
Justifiable Inequality Justifiable inequality is a term …show more content…

Many innocent and good people are held in treatment facilities, not because they did something wrong, but because they cannot take care of themselves outside of the facility. These are people who do not have equal rights to other citizens, because their mental and emotional capacities are limited. Similarly, people with dementia often lose privileges like driving because they are no longer able to drive safely on the roads. Similarly, someone who is put in prison is put there because of something that he or she was convicted of doing, which was illegal. People are not imprisoned for being black or white or Jamaican or Canadian, they are imprisoned based on their actions. This is another example of justifiable