Juvenile Jail Essay

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Law enforcement is non-selective on basis of age. It is, therefore, the duty of every person to observe the guidelines outlined in law for a harmonious coexistence. This has necessitated the institutionalization of juvenile justice in the United States. Although cases are heard and determined by juvenile courts, the aim is to correct and prevent further offenses as opposed to punishing the offenders. However, a young person may be placed in residential custody, where they serve a jail term, in order to be corrected through rehabilitative programs. This juvenile jail system focusses on imparting attitudes that help young people to grow into law-abiding adults. However, it presents challenges of re-integration, access to employment and housing, and delayed development among other challenges. Despite protecting the confidentiality of the youths who are involved in in correctional processes, juvenile jail system has a myriad negative effects on the social …show more content…

Although a convicted person is released after some time, the effects of the jail term continue to be experienced throughout life. This happens because the smooth social transition to adulthood is obstructed. The social problems that occur as a result of juvenile jail system can be mitigated through using other more friendly correctional methods that allow a young person to transit smoothly to adulthood. Community service is one of the viable punishments that can be used to correct young people while ensuring that they remain in the community and grow to adulthood effectively. This can also offer benefits to the community as opposed to being taken away from the community just to be locked up somewhere with other offenders who may not help one to grow. As a matter of fact, juvenile jail system solves a problem temporarily because an incarcerated person is likely to perpetrate more serious crimes as he or she grows to