Trying Juveniles As Adults Essay

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To better understand both sides of trying juveniles as adults, data on of trying juveniles as adults will be looked at. In doing this, evidence for why trying juveniles as adults is harmful will become clearer. The data will show that alternate programs such as community based program geared towards restorative justice and programs such as diversion will be most beneficial in helping juveniles learn social skill and learn the effect their behavior has on the community and the victim. Bringing both the juvenile and the community together with have a lasting effect and has been shown to reduce recidivism rate.
Literature review
Researchers look at the trying juveniles as adult in one of two ways, they look at juvenile delinquency as learned through peers, the second way they look at it is trying juveniles as adults is through a critical lens where the researchers believe that policy makers and judges benefit by keeping minority juveniles in detention centers or prison.
Carmichael and Burgos 2012, examine the social and political factors that come into play when juveniles are …show more content…

The first crimes in the code are what would be considered violent crimes things such as murder and rape. As the years went on the code added misdemeanors and controlled substance violations to the code. If a juvenile committed any of these crimes they would automatically be waived to adult court. According to Roan, “the wide scope of offenses included in Idaho’s code is the most extensive in the united states and it allows for children younger than 16 to be transferred to adult court if during the hearing the crime falls under the codes scope of crimes” (Roan, 2016 pg 736). Idaho has been found to transfer juveniles to adult court before a proper investigation of the alleged offense that the juvenile has assumedly committed. Roan discusses how Idaho will sentence juveniles to life without parole or the death