Juvenile Justice Case Study Paper

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In this case study, it will show the conflict that young teens are having with police officers in their communities. During several mentoring sessions conducted at the Department of Juvenile Justice, with 35 young males between the ages of 13 through 18, the questions were asked, ‘what do they think of law enforcement, ‘how were they treated when approached by the police,’ and ‘what are their attitudes towards law enforcement?’ Although the case study was conducted with young males in the Juvenile Justice system, does not denigrate how law enforcement treated them.
In society, today, there is case after case where young teenage males are engaging with law enforcement daily. More often, than not, it usually leads to a negative confrontation with the officers. Most of the confrontations take place in our schools. Schools have become a pipeline to prison rather than a pipeline to college. “The United States school-to-prison link or school-to-prison pipeline is a metaphor used to describe the increasing patterns of contact students have with the juvenile and adult criminal justice systems as a result of the recent practices implemented by educational institutions, zero tolerance policies, and the use of police in schools,” according to Wikipedia. …show more content…

Schools, in many states, have increased their schools’ resource officers, which allows for the increase of students suspended or even expelled during a school year. Harvard Law and Policy Review cite, “Suspension, expulsion, and arrest is often the first steps in a chain of events that lead to academic disengagement and delinquency. This phenomenon is recognized as the “School-to-Prison Pipeline,” which is a collection of punitive laws, policies, and practices that push young people, particularly Black students, out of school and into the justice