Juvenile Offenders Should Be Tried In Adult Court Cases

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An adolescent is not allowed to drink, smoke, get married, or sign legal contracts because they aren’t capable of making mature decisions. In many poor communities, the only things adolescents see are crimes. Teenagers are like a sponge they absorb everything they see. Throughout many years, kids have committed crimes that have gotten them unreasonable sentences. From looking at many sources I found that teenagers don’t think of the consequences their actions might have on them. How race shouldn’t be a factor in the kid’s sentence. How some of the blame is on the justice system. Finally, I’ll be talking about what we can do as a community about it. Should juvenile offenders be tried in adult courts for crimes they have committed? For racism …show more content…

He committed this malicious crime because of the emotions Christopher had. His brain didn’t let him think rationally of what he was doing. The other case was of Cheri Carlson, author of Defense in Boy’s Killing Seeks Juvenile Justice: Teen, 14, Shouldn't be Tried as Adult, Lawyer, Other Say, did a case of a kid named Brandon. “On April 20, 2008, there was a shooting at a middle school. Before this tragedy occurred Larry said that he liked Brandon. Other students supported Brandon about the statement when he argued that Larry was bullying him” (Carson). This made Brandon mad and started to think with the emotional part of his brain. He didn’t think about the consequences his actions were going to have on him. “This led Brandon to kill Larry King. Larry was a gay student. This caused Brandon to be charged with a first-degree murder and a hate crime. Brandon was tried as an adult just after his 14th birthday. He is now going to prison for 21 years” (Carlson). This makes people mad because of how kids are being tried as adults knowing that they don’t think like adults. Silvia Nguyen, author of Minors Should Never Be Tried As Adults In Criminal Court, did a research suggesting