Short Writing Assignment: Jordan Brown Murder Cases

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Short writing assignment #5:

1. Chen, Stephanie. "Boy, 12, Faces Grown up Murder Charges." CNN, Cable News
Network, 15 Mar. 2010,
2. In Wampum, Pennsylvania in the year 2010, an 11-year-old boy named Jordan Brown committed a very serious crime and shot his mother to death on what ended up to be a crazy day. Kenzie Houk was 26 and was eight months pregnant with a boy when she was shot one single time with a 20-gauge shotgun he got as an Easter gift from his family. Jordan and his dad were big hunters, but it was stated that the shotgun was specifically and strictly used for hunting and no other circumstance because they knew the harm that it could cause if misused. Jordan Brown was the youngest person to be charged with a homicide and it is possible that he will face life in prison and lose parole as well, losing the liberty of his young life. The father feels that Jordan would work well with juvenile rehabilitation and therefore should not be sentenced harshly as an adult would. Also, experts stated that when adolescents are charged with homicides, they usually are set to juvenile courts because everything is simpler and less harsh on the kids. The attorney states in this news article that it only made sense to charge him as an adult because the only other option was to …show more content…

Next, the author, Stephanie Chen, has been a reporter for 5 years and has worked with The Wall Street Journal as well as CNN to name a few, which leads readers to believe her credibility. Along with this, CNN as a whole might not be the most reliable source as we have witnessed over time, but this specific source didn't cue any major red flags. With that being said, usually, reliable sources have an easy to access contact button for questions are concerns the readers may have as they browse through the article. This is one example of where I think this article shows a little shadiness and confusion to its

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