School As A Miniature Society Essay

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“What is true of the influence of the society at large during the whole period of human life is true of the influence of the school society during the juvenile period”.
- Raymont
The school is considered as one of the most important agency of education. The knowledge has grown tremendously and cultural need have grown so much that it is almost impossible to provide proper education without the help of school. As a result the importance of school has increased manifold. The school is considered to be a place where pupils are expected to acquire knowledge and develop their intellect.
Dr. Dewey of America maintained that “the school is primarily a social process; the school is simply that form of community life in which all these agencies are concentrated that will be most effective in bringing the child to share in the inherited resources of the race and to use his own …show more content…

In fact the school should be a miniature society and a center of social experimentation. Psychologist also recognizes that the mental development of a child cannot be understood apart from the society. With the growth of sociological tendencies in the world, therefore, the school is considered more and more as a “miniature society” exerting potential influence among children. A school is described as a social institution because it is a cultural configuration, it is formed deliberately to satisfy individual’s wants and social needs and it embodies certain norms and has its own standardized way of solving societal problems. School is a formal agency which is charged by society with the task of socializing the growing children particularly by imposing skills and values. In every society all over the world the school engaged in outright indoctrination in values is held high by the society. In the modern times school has assumed a very great importance. It is a social institution set up by the society to serve its