
Juveniles Transferred To Adult Facilities Essay

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Juveniles Transferred to Adult Facilities
** It wasn’t until the 19th century that specific laws and systems of justice were made especially for juvenile offenders. Starting in Illinos in 1899, states started changing the court systems for adolescents, stressing the welfare and restorationof the young over discipline.** The following century, the juvenile court system remained focused on ensuring the welfare of young offenders and society by giving rehabilitation services.
Florida’s Get-Tough Laws
Reforms for juvenile offenders have become a common place in the Unites States. In the last decade, almost every state altered laws relating to juvenile crime. **States were getting tougher on juvenile offenders either by shifting away from traditional rehabilitation models to punishment-orientated. ***( WRITE 2 SENTENCES )***
**Since 1978, Florida has transferred more juveniles to criminal court than most other states together. …show more content…

By law, adolescents with serious mental disorder must obtain mental health treatment while incarcerated. Federal courts have affirmed that prisoners with genuine mental disorders have a privilege to get required treatment as part of the states obligation to provide needed medical care under the U.S constitutions 8th and 14th Amendment.
Many youths have met the criteria for a major depressive episode, or psychosis within the past six months. More than 1 in 6 adolescent prisoners have a major mental disorder and related functional impairments. ** Numerous youths were detected as needing treatment than were receiving treatment. Among adolescents who required treatment, 16% got treatment when they had case demeanor or inside for six months. Even in general population, young people with mental issues are underserved. Recent national surveys have assessed that 65% to 80% of young people who need mental health services do not receive

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