Juxtaposition In Samuel Beckett's Waiting For Godot

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In the tragic play Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett uses juxtaposition to develop a comparison between two contrasting concepts and characters such as the themes of tragedy and comedy as well as the characters Vladimir, Estragon, Pozzo, and Lucky. This comparison supports and controls the pacing of the play, as well as accentuating the essential elements in human conditions during 1948, such as, the difficulty in establishing any sort of close relations between people and also the kind of status and situation people were in, mentally and physically during that time as WW2 just ended, and also allowed to readers to have a wider range of perspectives by not making any definite conclusions and offering an opened ending in act 1. Throughout the act 1 of Waiting …show more content…

Which brings out my next point, the theatre of the Absurd. Theatre of the Absurd plays a great role in this play and is influenced by the philosophical concept of existentialism, where there’s meaning to everything but at the same time everything is nothing. An example would be the character Lucky, despite the name “Lucky” he lives his life as a slave of another character, Pozzo. Lucky is known as a character that has a lot of knowledge but is unable the share it as he doesn’t have the ability to speak coherently. This can be shown in the long speech made by Lucky in the first act, where he talks about a lot of topics that seem unrelated to each other, suggesting that Lucky’s current life is very complicated and is shown in a darkly humorous way. This brings out one of the themes “ The nature of man ”, which shows the essential elements of a human condition where men lacks of identity and the inability to communicate with fellow man, showing the irony between the name and the conditions he is living