KJV From The Holy Bible

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Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Ref-erence Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation. I dedicate this book in loving memory of my father, Mr. James Crockom, a dea-con of the church for many years, and my mother, Mrs. Lillie V. Crockom, a strong, longtime prayer warrior. They both turned in their swords for a perfectly fitted crown in 1978 and 1990, respectively, but not before they made sure that their six children were introduced to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior at early ages. They lived a godly life by setting an example before their children and giving instructions in the Word of God to live a holy life unto …show more content…

I continued to drive past the building toward home. The Holy Spirit instructed me to turn the car around, go back, and inquire about the property. Sitting in front of the building, I put in a call to the telephone number listed on the sign. No one was available to take my call, so I left a very brief and simple message. That was it; I had done what I was instructed to do. To my surprise the very next day my call was returned, and an appointment was set to view the property. Within three days negotiations had given us the opportunity for a three-year lease option. As we continued to pray concerning the matter, things were falling in place in our favor. I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Take it, it’s yours,” even though the expense was far beyond what we expected or could …show more content…

We were trying everything we knew to build the church’s attendance, but it was not happening. At the end of the first year, the church’s income took a turn for the worse. I began using my personal savings for the upkeep of the ministry. Later others began giving from their personal funds in addition to their tithes, time, and talents in an effort to help keep us afloat. When my savings ran out, I than took out a loan on my car, acquired two personal loans, sold most of my jewelry and anything else I could get my hands on, in an attempt to meet the obligations of the lease, while trying to maintain the spiritual vision of the ministry. It is a tremendous load on a leader if one has the task of building the church spiritually as well as serious concerns about accelerating debt and bills against reduced