Citrus Cultivar

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Materials and methods
Plant materials
Fruits of three citrus cultivars of Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix DC.), Lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) and Pomelo (Citrus maxima Merr.) were obtained at the mature stage from local market around Phitsanulok province area during July to September, 2014.

Chemicals and reagents
Ethanol and ethyl acetate were purchased from Phathumwan?, Thailand. Folin-Ciocalteau reagent and Tween 80 were purchased from Loba Chemie, India. Gallic acid and 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Chemicals, Germany. Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB), Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) and Plate Count Agar (PCA) were purchased from Himedia Laboratories, India. Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) was purchased from Merck, Darmstadt, …show more content…

The microbiological assessment of the product was analyzed for TVC. One hundred milliliters of an appropriate serially diluted homogenate was spread on the surface of Plate Count Agar. The total viable counts were enumerated after incubation at 30 °C for 2 days.
Sensory analysis
Thirty seven panelists selected from the students and staffs of the Agro-Industry Department of Naresuan university, carried out the sensory evaluations of both the treated chicken wings, and the controls. Acceptability of appearance and odour was scored on a 9-point hedonic scale with 9 corresponding to the most liked sample and 1 corresponding to the least liked sample. A score of 5 was taken as the lower limit of acceptability (Mexis, Chouliara, & Kontominas, 2009).
Statistical analysis
All experiments were carried out in triplicate and average values with standard errors were reported. Mean values of various parameters were computed and compared by analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the SPSS software (version 13.0). Microbiological data were transformed into logarithms of the number of colony forming units (CFU/g). Means and standard errors were calculated. Significance was defined at p <