Kallipolis To The Light Analysis

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Philosophers Guiding Kallipolis To The Light In Plato’s Republic the leading character, Socrates suggests that philosophers are the most knowledgeable class, which makes them the only class to rule in Kallipolis. For the reason that knowledge is the strongest power of them all according to him (477d). Kallipolis is an ancient Greek word that translates to “beautiful city”. Socrates uses this word when analyzing his idea of the perfect structure of a society. The Republic turns the claim that believes philosophers are perpetual adolescents who rather question the meaning of life all day instead of taking part in society and battling for power and success down. Many claimed this view such as Athenians. Socrates argues that it is exactly the fact …show more content…

For this very reason Socrates believes the philosopher is now ready to rule. He suggests that it is only fair to repay the State by going back down to the cave and grow accustomed to seeing in the dark. He believes once the philosopher is used to the darkness they will see vastly better than the people there. Ultimately, the philosopher will be able to govern the city because they have seen the truth about fine, just and good things (520c). He explains that philosophers are morally suitable to rule since they are the lovers of wisdom and truth, which make them qualified to share their knowledge with the rest of the city. Socrates believes there is no way the citizens will disobey and refuse to share the labors of the city if they are getting education in return and are governed by a class who are not prospective rulers (520d). Since philosophers despise political rule it is only right to let them rule. He suggests that it is those who are not lovers of ruling who must rule, for if they don’t, the lovers of it, who are rivals, will fight over it (521b). Socrates suggests that all non-philosophers in charge are concerned about staying in power, which creates civil and domestic wars that destroy them and the rest of the city as well. Therefore he believes it is only right to put a class in charge that is the least eager to