Kankakee County: Ethics And Analysis

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The economic development committee meets twice a month to discuss the following: housing, labor and industry, and budget and finance. The labor and industry involves the NAACP, Kankakee County Minister Alliance, and the Kankakee Chambers of Commerce work together for hiring minorities in Kankakee County. Currently in Kankakee County the unemployment rate for minorities is 12%. Political Action Committee involves NAACP, School Board Candidates, Road Commissioner, and Township Supervisor. This committee meets quarterly, and their major concern is voting rights and discrimination. Currently their action alerts included: voter empowerment, end deceptive practices in elections, strongly oppose stringent photo identification requirements for voting, …show more content…

In the systems approach to policy making, the NAACP definitely completes task 1. “Task 1 is deciding what is right and wrong, they use ethics and analysis to decide specific policies are meritorious whether on ethical grounds or with respect to their relative effectiveness in redressing specific social problems” (Jansson, B. S., 2014, pg. 76). The NAACP’s objectives of fighting for equal rights against discrimination shows that they acknowledge the differences between what is right and what is wrong using their ethics and specific policies when they begin to advocate. The NAACP advocated for change in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. “Task 2 is when they decide how to navigate policy and advocacy systems, they decide where to focus and position their policy intervention, such as whether to seek changes at the local, state, or federal level; whether to seek changes in public policies or the policies of a specific organization; or whether to address specific social problems in international venues, such as by changing immigration policies” (Jansson, B. S., 2014, pg. 76). In task 2, the NAACP has really navigated policy and advocating systems especially when looking at their legal victories in the courts. “Some court cases that NAACP won included: Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896, Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, Voting Rights Act of 1965, and Fair Housing Act of 1968” (NAACP, 2015b). The NAACP saw a need for social justice and used their power for change on the federal, state, and local level. “Task 3 is the agenda-setting task, practitioners gauge whether the context is favorable for a policy initiative, and they evolve early strategy to place it on policy makers’ agendas” (Jansson, B. S., 2014, pg. 76). The Kankakee County Branch 3035 of the NAACP’s education committee is working on the Student Support. “The Student Support is for African American