Kansas City Studies: Three Important Police Questions And Answers

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Three Important Police Questions
Brendon L. Johnson
Tarleton State University

The Kansas City Study was set up to see if citizens would notice if there were more police driving around on patrol, and to answer some questions such as; would the higher police patrols cause the crime rate to drop, would the citizens feel better about crime if there were more police out, and would the people be happier with the higher patrol. The police department raised police patrol to around two to three time higher then it was before the study started. After the study had been done, it turns out the citizens of Kansas City did not see a difference in the police patrols. It seems that the increase in police patrol had no effect on people …show more content…

It all depends on how well the police department can use the social media to there advantage and how they deal with people posting bad things about their officers and the department. There are different types of policing and each one looks at crime differently then the other and the main two types are problem-oriented policing and incident-driven policing. For the most part police departments used incident-driven policing, police departments just started changing over to the problem-oriented policing. Now problem-oriented policing is a different way to deal with crime. Instead of just arresting who ever commits a crime the police look at where is the problem coming from and how can we shut it down according to Crime …show more content…

When the police use the incident-driven policing all it does is deal with what the problem causes not the actual problem itself. Also police officers tend to get angry or upset with the incident-driven policing because they are responding to the same kind of calls over and over again and are never making any headway with the problem itself. Another thing is citizens tend to get annoyed because they are having to keep calling in the same crime every time and they don't see the problem that is causing the crime being fixed. If the department uses problem-oriented policing instead it will have a better chance of fixing the problem and not just having to make arrest for the same crime over and over again and according to cebcp using problem-oriented worked better then not. Overall the biggest difference between these two is that problem-oriented policing deals with the problem at its roots and incident-driven policing just deals with what the roots

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