Kansas Nebraska Act And The Missouri Compromise Of 1850

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During the mid 1800’s ‘the controversy over the extension of slavery into western territories played a significant role in the coming of the Civil War. The issue of slavery had been a source of conflict in the United States since the country was founded, and tensions had been mounting in the decades leading up to the civil war. Issues that helped fuel this conflict was fighting between the states that wanted to decide whether a certain state were to be a slave state or not. This included states that were bought after the battles in Texas against Mexico. Along with this certain compromises were questions such as the Kansas Nebraska Act and the Compromise. Of 1850 One of the main problems that helped build the argument was whether …show more content…

Texas was added to the United States after a war with Mexico. This questions whether Texas would be added as a slave state or not. Further west California was a troubling state as it fell above and below the line in the Missouri compromise. The Missouri Compromise was created so that these issues would be solved in a way that would benefit both the North and South, but primarily helped the North. The compromise states that there would be a line at a certain latitude in the United States that would be a “Border” between Slave states and non-slaves states. As the United States moved west during its Westward expansion, it prevented the south from making the states above that line to become a slave state. Because of this the Compromise of 1850 was made so that certain states would be determined to be a slave state or not. In addition to this conflict, problems in Kansas and Nebraska sparked an internal territorial problem in these states. For example in Kansas there were battles over territories which either allowed slavery or opposed it. This caused the Kansas-Nebraska act to be