Kantian Ethics And Moral Reasoning

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When someone is faced with a hard decision, often they will automatically use their personal opinions and moral reasoning to conclude what they want to do. When I personally make ethical decisions, I will take into considering my own feelings and thoughts but also, I would think about how, whatever my decision might be, would affect the people around me. Another aspect I would ponder how it would influence my future. Theories such as Utilitarianism and those of Kant, influence my everyday decisions however only in certain situations. Often Utilitarianism is used while I am working, and I would have to consider the customers feelings and thoughts about our product. If the item is not qualified to their personal preferences, then they might not …show more content…

The main idea of Kant’s theory, as the book states, is the theory of asserting that the morally right action is the one done in accordance with the categorical imperative. The categorical imperative is the idea that if someone follows a moral rule, that the rule should be followed universally. In other words, only do something yourself, if everyone could do it and not have major conflicts. An example of this is the idea of stealing. People steal all the time however if they do, there are consequences but imagine if stealing was said to be okay and the moral thing to do. Everyone would participate in it and since everyone believes its morally correct there are no punishments. Another idea of Kant is that you should not manipulate people to do what you want so that you receive the ultimate advantage. This idea sounds likes something that should be automatically follow however this is seen every day. Often when you turn on the radio or tv, there are commercials that try to get you to by a product or donate money or time to their company. This is one of the simplest ways of manipulation and many people fall under the pressure and participate in some sort of action that benefits the manipulator. Kant also had the idea that everyone should behave as if they have moral authority over everyone. This thought is often obeyed without even realizing it. The United States is broken into three classes which are categorized by your average income. People who believe they have more money then others have the vibe of feeling better than others because they have more money. Another aspect of this is seen in school. While going to school, there were always groups of people who were more popular or were involved in many things which allowed to feel superior to other peers who were not as involved or were not popular. Kantian ethics is emerged