Kant's Code Of Ethics Research Paper

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The Philosopher who has the best idea on ethics it's Plato because his theory lies on the nature of the soul, humans are their soul and the body it's just a mechanic that helps us perform to the to our potential. "Plato believed the soul had three parts: reason, appetite, and honor. The desires of these three parts conflicted with each other. For example, we might have a thirst for water, but resist accepting it from an enemy for fear of poison. Justice of the soul requires that each part does its proper function, and that their balance is correct." In order to have a well-balanced life the three parts of the soul need to work together efficiently in order for this to happen, however, rational part of the soul has to rule above the other two, due to the fact that our emotions can affect our thinking due anger or while we are going through the motions, if the human takes the time to evaluate a situation where others can be affected either at the moment the decision is made or how it might affect others in the future. …show more content…

Differently the philosopher Kant has an ethical believe in ourselves for own definition of morality caring what society, church or people around us say. "For Kantians, there are two questions that we must ask ourselves whenever we decide to act: (i) Can I rationally will that everyone act as I propose to act? If the answer is no, then we must not perform the action. (ii) Does my action respect the goals of human beings rather than merely using them for my own

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