Kate Chopin's The Story Of An Hour

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The story of an hour is written by Kate Chopin on April 19, 1894. It is a short story about the tragic event that occurred to Mrs. Mallard for an hour. The ending of this novel was very shocked, because it finished with Mrs. Mallard's death. The termination was sorrow, but it was a blessing to Mrs. Mallard. The summary of this story is Mrs. Mallard has the bad heart condition, one day; she heard bad news about her husband from her sister and family friend. After she heard about her husband's death, she was mourned, but when she saw the view of outside through the opened window, she felt the antinomy. At that time, she said, " free! body and soul free!" (Chopin 475). She said it, because she didn't have any of her own privacy. All of her neighbors