
Keeping The Bees Critical Essay

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Critical Writing Assignment #2
Keeping The Bees is a book written by Laurence Packer and published by HarperCollins Publishers in 2011. This book focuses on why all bees are at risk and what we can do as individuals, consumers and society to save them. Laurence Packer is a melittologist who has a B.A in zoology, A Ph.D from York university, where he now currently works, and a strong passion for bees and their conservation.

This book’s many chapters all had different topics but they all related to one bigger topic, which is bees. Some of the topics included; how the extinction of bees would affect our world, our food, our ecosystem and basically everything around us. Some other topics focused more on what makes bees so special such as; how to distinguish bees from other insects, how to distinguish bees from other bees and how they live their lives.

Firstly, Keeping the bees is a very informative book with lots of facts and information that I would not have known beforehand. What I enjoyed about this is that although the author is a very knowledgeable person, he kept in mind that majority of people reading this book would not know a lot about bees. I really appreciated …show more content…

The book is called Keeping the Bees and on the cover it states “Why all the bees are at risk and what we can do to save them” By reading the cover I would assume that the books focus would be on the cause of potential bee extinction and how to prevent it. However, only a few chapters focus on that and much of the book is focused on bee classification. The title is misleading and many people might be interested in how to save the bees but may not be interested in all the other extra information that was not presented in the title or the cover page. Having a more accurate title can entice more of the right audience to read the book instead of misleading people who are not interested in the specifics behind

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