Kellogg Critical Review

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A Critical Review of Kellogg’s Article
“Balancing The Marketing Mix Through Creative and Inovative Strategies.”
Kellogg Company was set up in 1898, offering a healthy and good-tasting breakfast food scilicet Corn Flakes (Cereal). In accord with their vision to make a movement and in people’s health also enrich foods and brands, Kellogg Company was developed his product through worldwide equipped by Guideline Daily Amounts in front of boxes showing the public about the contains of cereal. The Kellogg product spread out directly to global market, leading the world healthy and nutritious breakfast cereal to the tune of 37% market share and 25 kinds of cereal.
By referring to some authors, (McCarthy, 1964; McCarthy and Perreault, 1987; Kotler …show more content…

Product is a heart of a company’s propositions as offered to the target market, acquaint the exciting and new product. Price is a material after purchase or use a good or service which the price is set by bargaining between costumers and suppliers or sell with right price and give best quality. Promotion is activity doing by company or manufacture to consume the product benefits and ensure buyers to purchase the product, engaging costumer by polite attitude and communication. In the ground-breaking aegis Kellog Company created and performed Crunchy Nut, inviting society to a unordinary outdoor experience. Based on Marketing Management 14th edition by Kotler and Keller, the circumstances belong to experience (experience means giving a new taste of consuming products), whereas, event is an occasion. Costumers left feedback on their experience of the social media using as the part of Kellogg digital strategy. Kellogg advertised (introducing) the product with giving coupons (50% off) and the redemption overpassed industry average. Kellogg used the below-line-promotion such as : social media, impose unmediated promotion, personal selling in addition to engage consumers and above-line-promotion such as : TV, online.Distribution or Place is tactics so that the goods could be accepted easily to market target and understanding shopper behaviour. Through intermediary market, manufacturer (Kellogg) appertains and affects the