Kelly Mcgonigal's Speech Analysis

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Over the years I have experienced a large spectrum of stress, ranging from something as trivial as leaving my lunch or shopping list at home, to dealing with unexpected life changing situations. I do believe the way you look at stress could either relieve, or potentially increase the tension that comes along with stress. The most interesting part of Kelly McGonigal 's speech was that she mentioned the different views on stress, and how looking at it as a positive was more beneficial in the long run. I truly believe that even the word "stress" negatively enhances any situation. I believe your mind is wired to connected certain emotions and feeling to words, and with the word stress being so commonly viewed as a negative of course its going to increase any pessimistic feelings that person may have. …show more content…

Kelly informs her audience that if you were to take the side effects of stress, such as increased heart rate and a flood of oxytocin, and view those effects as a postive it will leave you with having a sense of courage and