Kevin Kelly's Argumentative Analysis

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The main argument Kevin Kelly estates is how the development of technology, robots to be precise, has the possibility to expand many possibilities in human's lifestyle. This doesn't necessarily means robots take control over everything, since new jobs and ideas are the results of this progress over time. Kelly view robots as an effective process that would make the human race not only achieve their everyday life goals in a simpler way, but also throughout the years new activities and goals could be perceive caused by machines. In today's culture, we are familiarize with machines, our tasks have been easy to achieve and we have much more time to do other things thanks to this. Baxter, a revolutionary workbot designed by Rodney Brooks, is an example for what could be the future alongside humans. Although Kelly's article has good view of the future, he advises that humans should not worry about the advance of robots, if they would take over, there's no way there wouldn't be a place for humans to have a task or a purpose in life. However, technology shouldn't be projected as a threat to the human race or something we should compete against. As Kelly mentions on his Seven Stages of Robot Replacement, there would always be a never ending cycle in …show more content…

His approach through his audience, is pretty simple and effective since he keeps comparing and contrasting how the development on technology throughput the years has actually effectively affect us, as the industrial revolution and our lifestyles. Since the main audience are people actually interested in technology Baxter introduction really states a relevant argument and stands out as well to his audience which makes it more