Better Than Human Analysis

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Owe to the development of technology, the quality of our lives has increased in a great extent. Our daily lives are now more and more convenient and pleasant since most of the tasks can be done more efficiently with the help of technologies like smartphones and the Internet; furthermore, some difficult tasks can even be done completely by robots. However, various social issues appear inevitably along the advancement of the civilization. People started to wonder whether they rely on technology way too excessively as an outcome when they realized one may feel lost and disconnected without technologies like the Internet and cellphones. It has become an universal debate: Is the technology transforming our civilization into Utopia? Or it is sending …show more content…

In “Better than Human”, Kelly mentions that it will be a trend for robots to replace humans on most, or even every working position in the near future as a outcome of the development of automaton-related technology. “We need to let robots take over”, Kelly assures, “they will do jobs we have been doing, and do them much better than we can (Kelly 311)”. With his observation of the invention of Baxter, he is persuaded in a great extent that humans will acquire new jobs as their old jobs get replaced by automatons. This newly invented robot surprisingly contains several epochal features, disregarding its extremely low price compared to its predecessors. With its benefits, Baxter can be promoted easily and applied to many industries, decreasing the costs of production and even re-generating the market eventually. Additional to his prediction, he furthermore categorizes the jobs in the future into four types: “jobs today that humans do, but machines will eventually do better”, “current jobs that humans can’t do, but machines can”, “jobs that only humans will be able to do at first”, “robot jobs that we can’t even imagine yet” (305). Generally, Kelly upholds an optimistic view toward the unknown future, believing that new possibilities of human beings will then be revealed. As he claims, “[let] the robots take the jobs, and let them help us