Kids Are Kids Until They Commit Murder Analysis

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Giving Juveniles Hope In today’s society, people see teenagers as inappropriate kids with no purpose. Most people are just stereotypes against teenagers and what actions they choose to do. The teenagers are just kids that still have a life to live and still have a childhood to enjoy. Teenagers all over the world are being trailed as adults with no mercy. Justice Elena Kagan from the Supreme Court states “Mandatory life without parole for a juvenile precludes consideration of his chronological age and its hallmark features—among them, immaturity, impetuosity, and failure to appreciate risks and consequences. It prevents taking into account the family and home environment that surrounds him—and from which he cannot usually extricate himself—no matter how brutal or …show more content…

What about a juvenile? A minor? A child? These juveniles are still kids and do not deserve to spend the rest of their life in prison without the option of parol if they commit murder. In the article, “Kids are Kids-Until they commit murder” by Marjie Lundstrom, states: It is a vexing question these days for the under-eighteen crowd, the group we routinely write off as “only kids.” It’s why they can’t smoke, or drink, or go to R movies without our OK. It’s why they don’t vote. It’s why they have curfews. It’s why we fret over their Internet access and fuss about driving privileges.
Lundstrom shows that these kids are just kids, like she says, the under age doesn't get the privileges that adults do, but when they commit murder, we feel like they should be treated as adults and not have the option of parol of even the rest of their childhood. A child has the right to have a childhood and do stupid things, and make mistakes. If they are not able to make mistakes, how will they know what the right thing is to do and right way to do it? Yes, these kids need to be punished, but not as