Killing Kennedy Summary

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In the book killing Kennedy it is the story of how John Fitzgerald Kennedy aka JFK started from the military and climbed the military ladder all the way to become the president of the United States of America and one of the best presidents of the nation at that. It starts about telling about how he cheated death in the tragedy of world war 2 and his submarine the PT-109 it tells how it was cut in half by a Japanese ship but JFK and his crew were still in a part where there was no water and JFK becoming the leader that he will later become as president instructed them all that they were going to swim to an island and so after many agonizing days of trying to find help JFK and his crew are saved and they survive the crash of PT-109. The first …show more content…

This book taught me many things that i didn 't know about the famous president JFK one thing it taught me that i did not know is that he would sleep with many other women while president and being married the mentioning of this in the book is all over the book in different sections of the book. Another thing that i learned is Oswald 's motivation for killing kennedy he said he wanted to be great this is mentioned on page 248 its says Oswald doesn 't hate the president as a matter of fact he likes the president but he wants to be a great man and what other way to be great other than killing the greatest president of this nation. This is a very good book for learning about President Kennedy 's life and very good for researching about Kennedy 's life. I would recommend this book if you are