Killing Whales Persuasive Essay

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I don’t agree with the Norwegian and Japanese position on permitting the hunting of whales as a cultural exemption even though whales a are non-endangered species. I can understand the need for killing whales for food out of poverty and of lack of food supply during and right after war time, but when the economy has been restored and improved, and there are plenty of choices of other food, and yet they keep killing simply for cultural and heritage sake, it just don’t seem right to me. We, as human beings, collectively created and form our cultures through time and experiences shared, but not every part of culture and traditions are necessary for preservation. Shark fins have a long history of being a delicacy in Asian menus, especially with the Chinese, so did with the bear paws in the past (only at the banquets of the very wealthy and “privileged” people) but the world is different now, and so cultures and traditions have to evolve along with time and changes. Already, human beings pollute the marine life, cause whales and other creatures to die from eating garbage and waste that we dump into their living environment. Why do people need to kill and eat them in the name of culture?. Yes, I do think that imposing such a ban on …show more content…

Such panels could consist of respectable international Cultural experts, social, environmental scientists and bio-scientist who aren’t bias, National Cultural and Economic Representatives from countries, members of creditable non-government and non-profit environmental protection organizations. People on this panel should have a good understanding and an objective attitude towards the development of globalized culture, and a non-bias mindset, sensitivity and respect for different countries’ cultures and

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