The Kinetoscope Essay

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For the early days of film in the 1800’s a lot of interesting things happened. It was about developing the tools to capture your art. This art also went through, and still is, going through development. Reading up about the history and development of the Kinetoscope interested me. In 1891, Thomas Edison and William Kennedy Laurie Dickson made a single-viewer peep-show device in which film moved past light called Kinetoscope. National Federation of Women’s Club had the honor of the first public demonstration of the Kinetoscope. The short film called Dickson Greeting didn’t lack being short because it was only three seconds in length. It showed Dickson bowing, smiling, and ceremoniously taking off his hat and passing it from one of his hand to …show more content…

25th President William McKinley had the honor of being the first president of being caught on film. Another honorable fact was he was the first president to have his inauguration be photographed. Edison’s Manufacturing Company had the privilege to shot a short news-film during an appearance at the Pan-American Expo one day before McKinley was assassinated. Thomas A. Edison’s Manufacturing Company released an early surviving stop-motion example animation. It was called Fun in a Bakery Shop released in 1902 by Edwin S. Porter. The film was 80 seconds and its plot was a baking assistant sculpted dough thrown against the side of a flour barrel, making faces and amusing shapes and it was accomplished with smooth edits between freezes. The trick was object manipulated combined with stop-action photography. Edison Manufacturing Company wanted to monopolize and wanted no competition to earn more profits. they tried to accomplish this by buying a patent infringement claims lawsuit against its competitors including its major one The American Mutoscope & Biograph Company. First it ruled in Edison’s favor by ruling that Biograph did infringe Edison’s patent claims. Biograph fought back and appealed the ruling with that Edison did not invent motion-picture camera, he only invented the sprocket system that moved perforated film through the camera. Biograph won with the new ruling and stopped Edison from