
King Arthur Character Traits

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Arthur is a complex character to understand due to having good and bad character traits. Arthur is a very courteous man who shows great respect to others and is chivalrous toward women. On the other hand, Arthur seems to take the wrong advice and not be fully confident in himself or his thoughts. When it is advice he should take he refuses, but when it is advice he doesn't need he is all ears. He seems to get a hot temper rather quickly, especially when things to take a turn for the worse. In Le Morte d’Arthur, Thomas Malory created King Arthur to be a hero with complex nature. Arthur holds many positive character traits. He is loyal to his wife, his people, and his word. King Arthur shows a great deal of chivalry towards his wife and women which is shown through how he values Gwynevere's thoughts and opinions and does not take her for granted. When a noblewomen comes to deliver Sir Lancelot’s message she is recognized as a lady and is escorted as such (228). This shows Arthur treats women kindly and respectfully as well as making sure they are comfortable. King Arthur also shows a sense of confidence and bravery which he instills into his army. His army was courageous and confident as “without stint they battled through the burning …show more content…

He can get easily angered and can be naive for a king. Sir Lancelot gives an appeal for peace to Arthur which he refuses to accept because Gawain insists it would be dishonorable (228). In one of Arthur's dreams he is torn apart, in a following dream he is told if he fights with Sir Mordred he will die, and he should make a treaty calling for truce. When Sir Mordred and King Arthur later come in contact, “Sir Mordred saw King Arthur advance with his spear, he rushed to meet him with a drawn sword” and Arthur was struck in the skull and killed (234). Arthur should pay more attention to his own thoughts and feelings and better learn to trust

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