King Asoka Research Paper

314 Words2 Pages
There is question going around about Asoka (¨a-sho-ka”) and if he was an enlightened ruler or a ruthless conqueror. He lived in 268 BCE to 232 BCE. He was also the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya. Asoka killed many innocent people,fought for land, and became a buddha for power. First of all, Asoka killed many innocent people for land. He approximately killed 200,000 people in the war of kalinga . When Asoka tried to bargain the land for money the kalinga leader refused. Asoka wanted the land for himself so one day he started war with kalinga and drove 150,000 people out of their country. Second of all, Asoka fought for land. Back then Asoka was known for taking land. Asoka tried to bargain for land but that didn 't always work. If leader

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