King David Research Paper

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My eyes nervously darted across the stage as I timidly stood in the front row of pews at my church. I stood in that spot because my friends had dragged me there for the first time. Not a regular church goer, I suddenly found myself surrounded by what they called worship. The experience intimidated me as they seemed so passionate about each word that came from their mouths. Every song that played spoke of God’s faithfulness to His people and his unwavering love. Unwavering love. Such a strange concept to humans who often sway from the smallest of winds, but that shows the great mercy and power of our God. Singing about such things, as I do early every Sunday morning, represents just one way to worship the Lord. I love giving praise to the Lord, but He provides so many more ways to worship Him. People don’t always worship a higher …show more content…

David wrote most of the Psalms, King David from the Bible, not me. These praises display an outpouring of his love for the Lord, similar to a paean. Through the many chapters of the book, David showed that he constantly has thoughts of the Lord which leads to giving Him praise. This shows true worship, because King David has an obsession with the Lord and truly gives his life to Him. This shows through by the fact that the Lord calls King David “a man after God’s own heart.” The Bible also provides many stories about worshiping idols, a practice known as idolatry. One story from the book of Exodus details the Israelites rebellion against God when they created an idol of golden calf to worship. This occurred while their leader, Moses, left them for a time to meet God on Mount Sinai. And although the people built an altar to a false god, the Lord still displayed mercy. Unconditional mercy. We would have nothing without the incredible mercy of the Lord, nor would the idol-building people of