Summary Of Why I Left The Contemporary Christian Music Movement By Dan Lucarini

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Author Dan Lucarini shares his experiences as a former worship leader in the contemporary Christian music style in his book Why I Left the Contemporary Christian Music Movement. Much of what the reader can expect from the book–in terms of tone and temperament–can be found in the author’s dedication. In it, Lucarini expresses great remorse and regret over the role pastors and worship leaders who endorse Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) have had in the fracturing of the church over the years. Of those who were against the use of CCM in the church Lucarini writes, “They never ceased to warn us about the dangers of rock music to a Christian; but we did not take heed. . . . To them, we owe an apology and a debt of gratitude.” It is from this perspective …show more content…

He acknowledges that, like the storm, CCM is an incredibly strong force that has taken hold in the church. He writes, “CCM is well entrenched now, perhaps even the favoured music style in the majority of fundamental and evangelical church services. CCM has taken deep root in the lives of many believers . . .” (18). In Chapter 2, he shares his testimony of how he became a Christian, how he got involved in the music ministry while thoroughly embracing CCM and rock music styles, and how he became disenchanted with CCM and eventually left the movement …show more content…

. . . Contrast this to the seeker-sensitive church, where every detail of the service is judged by how well it pleases people” (126). Overall, Lucarini’s admonition for churches to use more discretion in the decisions they make regarding music style is very