
King David Research Paper

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In his next chapter of life, David fulfills his destiny as King of Israel. He has experienced much pain, cried unto the Lord, fell down, got back up, and repented from his sins. We cannot walk closer or worship God properly with unrepentant sin, so we need to confess our sin, repent of it, ask for forgiveness for it, and ask as David did for God to cleanse us. While David is worshipping God as King of Israel, he realizes the Ark of the Covenant is not in its proper place. However, “David gave us a good example of not worshipping in "truth" or following God's word on proper worship. In (1 Chronicles 13), we see that David desired to bring God's Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. He took the Ark and had it loaded onto a new cart. As it …show more content…

What is truth? We cry out that Jesus is truth, and we are correct. What else is truth? We say God’s word, which he has elevated above his holy name. Only born again Christians can worship God in Spirit and Truth. For our worship to be true, we must obey God’s commands. David was passionate and sincere with his intent to return the Ark, but he was sincerely wrong. We can be sincere in our worship and show up with dirty hands (unrepentant of sin) and be sincerely wrong. God has many protectors along our pathways to help us arrive safely to into his presence. It would behoove us to learn God’s way and get where we need to be much sooner. If we want to be in his presence, we must come by the way of the cross first and foremost. If we want to worship, truth is paramount, for without it, we are only putting on a show. David had to return to the drawing board to figure out why their attempt to return God’s presence to the Israelite nation was unsuccessful. While exploring the truth, he saw the correct path laid out by God himself, and followed it. David was so elated with the discovery of the truth, he danced before the Lord and with all the nation upon the Ark’s arrival…and the …show more content…

He was not concerned about looking foolish or appearing spiritual. He had put off his kingly attire and wore a linen ephod to blend in with the rest of the Israelite nation. He arose from his throne and celebrated whole-heartedly before the Lord. David was so consumed with worshipping God that he disregarding his appearance before the nation only to received condemnation from his trophy wife. In Michal's eyes, David made a complete fool of himself, but it was not her eyes that mattered to David. Her bitterness toward his unashamed worship brought condemnation of her own life. Michal would remain barren and never experience the blessing of motherhood. In those days, it was a shame not to bear her husband's

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