
King David Research Paper

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One of the most common desires in this world is the desire for power. Since I was children, I have learnt from fairy tales that kings were always respected and enjoyed many wonderful things. When I was older, facing countless problems and difficulties, my childhood dream was evoked: “Were I the king, I would…” To some people, this desire was not merely a childhood dream, but actually an unquenchable ambition, for which they can do evil. This desire leads to another question. For centuries, people had wondered why only one person among many human beings in the country was chosen to be the king. Some kings were normal man who came to the throne with the support of many people; some robbed the throne; some were simply born to be kings because …show more content…

This book, consisting of 22 chapters, is the eleventh book in the Old Testament. It accounts events from the last days of King David, the summit of Israel history when King Solomon was the wisest king, the declination and division of Israel into two countries (Israel and Judah), which were resulted from Solomon’s sin of turning away from the Lord. The book ended at the reigns of godly king Jehoshaphat in Judah and evil king Ahaziah in Israel. Besides the stories of kings, the stories of prophets, who played an important role as mediators between the Lord and the humans in general, kings in …show more content…

“The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; he guides it wherever he pleases” (Prov 21:1). Nevertheless, when kings received a great deal of rights, they tend to be too proud and haughty, and finally made mistakes. David, the great king, committed adultery with Bathsheba (The Second book of Samuel). Solomon, once the wisest king, loved pagan women and worshipped their gods. Jeroboam built shrines for two gold calves in order to distinct his country his country from Judah, etc. There are many examples of kings led astray by their own power. Only the Lord, with his ultimate power over the universe, never

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