King Hamlet Research Paper

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I do think the Ghost is Hamlet’s father and it is seeking revenge at anyone, especially Claudius, who tries to or has hurt his son Hamlet. Hamlet says that Claudius killed his own brother which is King Hamlet then married his wife, Gertrude. The ghost also says he’s “destined” to suffer in “sulph’rous and tormenting flames” until the “foul crimes done in his days of nature/ Are burnt and purged away.” (1.5.6;17-18). Although the ghost is able to be seen Hamlet is the only one that has a dialogue with it. King Hamlet’s ghost really just wants to get back at Claudius for also taking after his throne. Everyone thinks that young Hamlet is just getting haunted by his dad’s memory. Claudius is doing whatever it takes for Hamlet’s excessive grief …show more content…

He pretends to have love for young Hamlet while sending him off to be killed. While also he lets his wife drink a goblet of wine he knows is poisoned, since he “loves” his wife and would rather see his wife die than risk ruining his plans of killing Hamlet. But Claudius then gets a taste of his own medicine because Hamlet ran him through with a sword and then makes him drink the rest of the poisoned wine. But besides the fact of King Hamlet’s Ghost trying to get revenge, his ghost could also be coming from hell because young Hamlet damages himself by over-thinking the intentions of his father’s ghost. Hamlet says, “Be thou a spirit of health or a goblin damned?” which shows that Hamlet is doubting about his actions and if it were to be what his father would want to see. According to Reina Green, Hamlet admits to not having proof that the ghost is his father but still calls him that and does whatever it tells him to do. But also he admits the ghost could be the …show more content…

Purgatory is a place that is often imagined as a fiery place where souls had to “purge” their sins before they could move on to heaven. But this makes everything a little suspicious because Purgatorial spirits returned to ask loved ones like family and friends for prayers so it could help them travel to heaven much faster. But the ghost is interested in revenge. Purgatorial spirits aren’t used to asking living relatives or friends to murder other people for them to help them travel to heaven faster. Those type of actions are the type a vindictive ghost would