King James Version Bible

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King James Version Bible. England. William Tyndale. Robert Barker. 1611. 666 pg.
This book was written in order to give insight to the people. This is a book full of religion and religious ways. It is based off of how things were done back in that time and the rules and regulations that were to be followed and or considered. Although there were many versions of the Holy bible this version, the King James Version was translated into English so it would be understood better. The name came about with King James because it was during his time of reign that the Holy Bible was being revised.
There was not really an argument from the author in the bible. There were many stories of how people lived in those times. There were also instructions on how to be …show more content…

It had a lot of stories about how people overcame their obstacles. It has stories of how faith should be activated and how you should believe. There were also stories about miracles performed. Like how Jesus walked on water, or even the birth of Jesus by the Virgin Mary.
Surprisingly this book displayed so much power. Living during that time people were probably hanging on to every word in the book. It is such a great book. So much passion and how the author believed what he was writing about to be evident and true lets people know it was from some type of experience.
The author seemed to be very effective dealing with this subject. From the looks of it, he had to be in order to write such a large book. The inspiration thrived from deep down in him. Religion and power seemed to be of great popularity during those times. This book fit right into this era for the population. The book was written very well. It was put together as a teaching. Some passages were also put together as a testimony if you say. It was almost as if he wrote it to prevent certain things from occurring in the future. Almost like a warning to the new world or eras after his own era