The Influence Of William Tyndale's Version Of The Bible

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William Tyndale and his desire to translate an English Bible came upon the scene when the Roman Catholic Church had tremendous control over what happened in Europe. England was no exception. One of the factors that insured the Church's complete control over the people was the lack of common Biblical knowledge. With no English translation, the Popish leaders could create any doctrine or impose any notions that pleased them without opposition. Tyndale wanted even the lowest citizens to be able to read the Scriptures and make knowledgeable deductions from that, not believe only what others told them. Tyndale left England and translated the New Testament into English. One of the most significant chapter he translated was Romans 8. Romans 8 begins by saying “Ther is then no damnacion to them which are in Christ Jesu.” This directly opposes Catholic belief that people must pay their own sin debt. Doctrinally, Tyndale's translation was immensely important to 16th century England. …show more content…

The KJV has been a respected translation for centuries. When Tyndale decided to make a translation even the plow boys could read, he made one of the first moves towards Christianity that is based on Scripture alone. His version aided England in eventually throwing off the hold of the Pope and his Church. The belief in the authority of Scripture and the responsibility of the Christian to search it out that Baptist Christians espouse today was initiated by William Tyndale's audacious translation work that would eventually cost him his life. Tyndale's translation is one of the most important occasions in both literary and Christian