Knowledge Of Creation In Wendell Berry's A Native Hill

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According to Wendell Berry’s “A Native Hill”, “There appears to be a law that when creatures have reached the level of consciousness, as men have, they must become conscious of the creation; they must learn how they fit into it and what its needs are and what it requires of them, or else pay a terrible penalty:...”. What do we consider “conscious” of the creation? How do we fit in it? To better understand how Creation benefits us, we must engage with it to gain more knowledge of it and therefore find our self-hood. Understanding creation and our place as humans within it can lead us to a change in our perspective of our identity and personality. The only way we can gain knowledge of creation is by spending time and engaging with it. However, we will never …show more content…

As humans, we can never fully understand the creation God has put before us for our need to live and prosper. But we can understand more clearly our place within it and how its effect on us can benefit us in many ways. This is what the idea of “consciousness” means, our knowledge and understanding of the creation around us. Knowledge does not necessarily mean facts and data about nature and what are the physical sciences that make it up but a deeper knowledge. A philosophical knowledge of creation is what benefits us. Knowing how the nature of nature so to speak is not bad but when it is our personality and identity face to face with God’s living and breathing perfect creation of nature we can better understand our lives and why it is dependant on nature. Creation communicates with us in a way we can not explain. When we see something in creation we truly find beautiful and amazing, we are left speechless and curious; curious to gain knowledge of the truth we cannot quite put into words that changes our lives. There is something within us that changes but is