Kronos Operation: A Short Story

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It’s Monday morning at Kronos, “our innovative and treasured city” as the government states. A blistering day, at least that’s what KOP said as he wrenched me from my dream. KOP stands for Kronos Operation and he’s all I have: he wakes me up, he feeds me, he plays with me… He’s kind of like a mum or a dad, except I wouldn’t know because I never had one, or at least I don’t remember having so.
I don’t recall almost anything before 2031. On the 2nd October of that same year, I woke up exactly where I am now, facing these four white vacant walls. Since that day, I never went outside or heard a voice apart from KOP’s. Now, it’s been three years, six months, fifteen days, four hours, one minute and twenty three, twenty four, twenty five seconds, but who’s counting? …show more content…

He’s like a cell phone but with an enhanced operating system. Thanks to the continuous development of technology in the past years, we never have to leave the house. Everything is managed by KOP and with just one click you can have access to everything in a matter of seconds.
After dragging myself out of bed, I moved towards KOP to order a pizza which is an unusual pick for breakfast but no one at Kronos really cares what you do as long as you stay at home, oblivious of the outside world.
Quick as lightning, the doorbell rang: my breakfast had arrived. As I opened the door, there she was. The same girl who always delivers the food in this building. She would always mesmerize me with those shimmering hazel eyes and the dusky hair tumbling over her shoulders, making me immediately regret the belly fat that I subjected myself to every time I decided to order high calorie dishes. I am sure her voice would be the soothing kind if we were allowed to interact.
Barely making eye contact, she handed me the square box and disappeared in a