Kurtz's Arguments 'Vietnam Veterans' Nonstop Con Game

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Kurtz, Joseph R., Jr. "Vietnam Veterans' Nonstop Con Game." New York Times, 10 Mar. 1986. Student Resources In Context, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A176425468/SUIC?u=etiwanda_hsl&sid=SUIC&xid=8365945f. Accessed 3 May 2018.

The general argument made by Kurtz, Joseph R. in his article “Vietnam Veterans' Nonstop Con Game” is that the vietnam war is superior to other American military involvements and how it has left the world behind with permanent scars. More specifically, he argues that the vietnam war experience has become a cop out. He writes, “ The vietnam war was different from any other American military involvement.” In this passage Kurtz is suggesting that the vietnam …show more content…

More specifically he argues that the reason he attempted to escape was because they were making them do more than normal work on empty stomachs. He writes “ I decided to leave because they were making us do a lot of work on empty stomachs.” In this passage Gale is suggesting that he escaped the prison because he blamed it on hunger but later was taken back to prison. In conclusion, Gales belief is that the prisoner should have not tried to escape prison because now he has to stay there even longer just to be hungry again. In my view, Gale is right because now the prisoner is guilty and has to stay there longer. More specifically, the prisoner should have just been like the other prisoners and just waited to be released. For example, him leaving and blaming it on hunger did not do anything to help. Although Gale might object that the prisoner went home because prison was not for him. I maintain that it is not smart to escape when you will be brought back to prison. Therefore, I conclude that the prisoner should not have been in a robbery only to escape prison and blame it on