
The Things They Carried By Tim Obrien: An Analysis

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After the Vietnam War, a great many veterans experienced Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). For more than fifty years PTSD already alluded to as "Shell Shock" has been an enormous issue for Vietnam veterans. The National Veterans Readjustment study directed in 1988 found that 31% of men and 27% of women experienced PTSD upon their arrival home from the Vietnam War. Critical to acknowledge, it was not until 1989 the Veterans Administrations (VA) recorded PTSD as one of the leading conditions treated by their medical professionals. Subsequent to returning home from the war, Tim O'Brien creator of the novel The Things They Carried, was diagnosed as having PTSD. In the perspective of this, it took men and women years to rescue their lives due to some extent to the trauma endured and observed in Vietnam, which unendingly changed their lives. A significant portion of the soldiers who fought and served in Vietnam did not know the determining factors for being in Vietnam. The Things They Carried imparts …show more content…

Tim Obrien shows this because he continually allows the reader to form their personal opinions about the story. We are most often products of our thoughts and memories, in this reading the author intentionally manipulates the reader into not becoming opinionated about the Vietnam war but more focused to storytelling. Examples of this are throughout the story where the author provides you with information that he wants you to believe regarding a situation or soldier, and the reader has no other recourse but to accept it as valid as there is no reason to doubt it. If the quote gets an emotional response from the reader, the reader believes it as real. Novelist use this method which is called “Free Indirect Discourse” to reveal to the reader the thought, emotions, and feelings of the

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