Kwame Anthony Appiah Vision Of Cosmopolitanism

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Due to the invention of modern technology, America has become the melting pot of different cultures and it shows most people are open to becoming cosmopolitan. The invention of technology have given society the ability to communicate with each other from all over the world. Americans have not fully embraced the idea of mutually agreeing about a topic through conversation alone because not every generation of people can see eye to eye. For example, the millennials and the Baby Boomers have two different perspectives on life because of their upbringing and many other factors. There is no peaceful mutual agreement between topics such as abortion, gay marriage or police brutality between the generations. Each group has grown up with different values so they have preconceived notions regarding certain topics which is why we need to “value language [it] helps shape common responses of thought, action, and feeling” (Appiah 73). Conversations are important because it opens up our minds to change, and it stops the spread of imaginative engagement, people need to experience certain things for themselves instead of hearing about it. New technology has caused Kwame Anthony Appiah’s vision of cosmopolitanism to come …show more content…

The use of computers allows people to publicize their conversation on social media which limits the amount of false information people receive and sparks the urge to protest. This allows for both parties to express their beliefs to the public and allows for other members of society to educate them and tell them whether their thoughts are ethical or not. Having a conversation does not make a social change, it just sparks the movement towards it. Appiahs idea of cosmopolitanism is only valid when someone is communicating with another person in their generation because they have a similar upbringing and