Lack Of Black Women In The STEM Robotics Education Area

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Currently, there is a problem with a lack of black woman in the STEM robotics education area. According to The Washington Post, “Attracting women into STEM fields has proved to be difficult. The report notes, “Women are less likely than men to pursue degrees in STEM, and black and Hispanic students are less likely than white students.” This problem is currently within middle school’s attended predominantly by lower income families. A majority of public school students nationwide are from low-income families, according to an analysis by the Southern Education Foundation. According to the Urban Institute, the number of low-income families “surged to over 50 percent in 2013, after the Great Recession.” Fifty percent is like walking into a middle school class and 13 of the students would be from a low-income family. Currently, middle school kids are attending after school programs like reading club, Beta club, and science …show more content…

Robotics 4 Kids promotes woman in STEM related fields through interactive lessons, productive education, and community enrichment. According to The U.S. News, “Women have been underrepresented in the science and engineering workforce. Woman make up only 21 percent of science and engineering workers.” Robotics 4 Kids promotes woman in STEM related fields through interactive lessons, because we provide Lego kits for children, which is hands-on, experiential, and fun that increase building skills. We also have productive education, because we allow children to get involved in a learning process that excites, energizes, engages, and enriches them to a wide variety of skills and concepts, they will discover a path that will engage them to have a more productive education. To top it off, we are community enrichment, because we branch out to multiple schools and communities and providing a unique academic to energize and excite young