Lack Of Communication In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Walton is able to provide justice in the text through his letters in the epistolary frame. Walton letters document his feelings about companionship. He writes, “I have no friend, Margaret: when I am glowing with enthusiasm of success, there will be none to participate my joy; if I am assailed by disappointed, no one will endeavour to sustain me in dejection”(8). Walton writes his lack of companionship to his sister because she is one person in his life where they have a family binding relationship. By using words the literal words ‘no friend’ and ‘none to participate in my joy’ Walton is admitting to his vulnerability and lack of privilege. By admitting to his lack of privilege he is telling his sister that he wants a companion. His sister fails to be a companion because she …show more content…

This is apparent when through his narrative and his last words to Walton when Victor says, “I must pursue and destroy the being to whom I have existence; then my lot on earth will be filled, and I may die”(181). Victor uses verbal communication and his words to persuade Walton to ‘destroy’ the Monster. But these words have no impact on Walton’s decision to hurt the Monster. Walton is able to emphasize with the Monster unlike Victor because Walton understands how it feels to lack affection and attention of a companion. Although Walton understands the lack of companionship he does not hold the power to make the final decision. Since he is writing in letters his ability to leave the Monster allows the reader to decide whether or not the Monster receives justice. Walton as the writer is again powerless because he does not make the final decision, but through his epistolary narrative he provides a personal experience and when encompassing the text his experience as a mediatory character helps the reader decide whether or not justice can be