Lack Of Resistance In School

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Paris provides a vivid understanding as to why students misbehave in the school house. Paris brings up the idea of performance of resistance. Performance of resistance views student misbehavior through a critical lens. The critical analysis performance of resistance behavior is in complete response to the negative gaze, the degrading treatment, and the hurtful assumptions many youth of color receive from pro-banking model teachers. This idea sheds light on one of the many frustrations teachers generally express when teaching students of color. In addition to performances of resistance, the idea of Dominant Academic English (DAE) also deepens how disconnected students on the margins feel regarding school. DAE focuses on issues with grammar and …show more content…

Paris makes it clear that acts of resistance do not happen if a student feels acknowledged, valued, humanized, loved, cared-for, and safe. Paris’s ideas on the lack of culturally sustaining pedagogies will perpetuate “a peculiar sensation… this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes, others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity’ (Du Bois, 1965). This idea Du Bois and Paris pose is dehumanizing. Paris shares the example of Derek and how he takes full responsibility for his actions because he carries the expectations put on to him by others and not himself. Paris makes it clear that because students like Derek have been exposed to the expectations of others, they begin to blame themselves for shortcomings as opposed to the …show more content…

Throughout my field work I will use Solórzano and Delgado Bernal’s critical analysis on student’s success to encourage them through an educational pipeline that is not responsive to them. I will use pervasive teachings to show students about the political game that is played and how they can successfully navigate it. I will understand the critical reasons as to why students misbehave and choose not to do the academic work that is prescribed to