Lady Macbeth Spoken Language Analysis

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Shakespear presens t Lady Macbeth as a extraordinary woman with great powers and ambition, in addition shestruggle to gain and then sustain her power.
For instance in this speech Lady Macbeth is seen to ask for the power to accompany her ambition. By asking that the “spirts”to “unsex me her” to “make my blood thick “ and fill her with “direst cruelty”. It may broadly suggest how she didn’t start with power but like her husband just had ambition. The connotation of “unsex” could depict how in order for her to have power she must become an man.Which a Elizabethan audience would recognised as when the play was both written and set women where seen as weak and had little or no power over men.A more modern audiencemay see it as her being insecure …show more content…

However the noun “milk” may represent her innocents and that in order to gain power she must lose er inocents.Further more she may need to become masculine in order to be able spill the “blood” needed to become powerful. The connotation of “make thick my blood” might be used to represent her emotion; because she doesn’t wat to feel guilty and allow her weak femine character to dictate her actions .Eventualy in act5 Shakespear show how guilt, femininity and weakness means she loses her power for example lady Macbeth is found sleep walking recollecting the murder she helped her husband commit and says how not “al the prefumes of arabia could sweaten this little hand”.This portay her loss of power as she has fallen victum to her guilt and has lost her mind. This hole speech is performed n prose, which Shakspear may have done to show her loss of power because prose was used for character of lower class and intelligence.Where as in this extract se speaks in blank verse a complex rhyme showing her as wealthy and intelligent so there for many be interpreted as her always having power, but just that she craving more.The adjective “little” could be Shakespear conveying how to her it is only a “little” crime that need sweetening.On the other hand the adjective “sweatn” may depict how she only feel the need to cover it up; and doesn’t