Lakota Tribe Research Paper

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Abstract We love to hear stories told by our parents, grandparents, family, and friends, but for the Oyate, stories told by their ancestors are how they know and understand creation and how they came to be. Stories of creation, battles, tradition and so on have been passed down from generation to generation and are still being shared today. The Lakota people did not have a written language but they did use shapes and images to translate stories the best they could. That is why they heavily relied on the oral stories that were shared in the Lakota history videos and Lakota Ehanni Stories. Oral Teachings The story is told, if not in exact words from each source, of a white buffalo calf that changed into a beautiful young woman who brought to …show more content…

in his classroom to young Lakota students until his death. The story he tells is one that many have been told growing up and will continue to be told as long as oral traditions continue. He is not the only one. Jace DeCory, Victor Douville, and Duane Hollow Horn Bear also told the Lakota creation story and coming out of Maka, I noticed each had a little difference to them. In order to tell these stories accurately, you must first listen. Stephanie Charging Eagle spoke about listening cognitively, with a purpose or you could not go to the gatherings. Stories One thing that was addressed, that I had wondered about, was the accuracy of the oral stories. I do not understand still how you can totally rely on an oral story that can change even slightly from one person to another. Also, who was told first and how do you know about Wakan Tanka or Inyan? If Inyan was the creator, how do we know this? If it gave its lifeblood to create, how do you pray to the creator that no longer exist? I have more questions than answers even though I have read and watched numerous videos about oral stories. I understand this is very meaningful to the Oyeti and it is the tradition they want to pass down to future generations and it is part of their education system, OSEU 5. I would just like to understand how you can trust the accuracy of a story passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years. The story of coming out of Maka