Langston Hughes: The Harlem Renaissance

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Harlem Renaissance Essay First Draft The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural awakening, the reborn and rise of the intellectuals and great artists that were people of color. Such artists includes Langston Hughes, Claude McKay and Zora Neale Hurston. These young writers were able to express their feelings that they have felt while living in America at the time. The most popular writer of the movement was Langston Hughes. He wrote with the rhythmic meter of blues and jazz. He was able to show his honesty through his work on how life as a black man was a hard journey but yet, was able to convey it in such a way to result in art through words. One work that he had created that expressed his feeling was titled, Theme for English B. He was to write …show more content…

He conveys this belief in lines 32-34 in which he writes, “As I learn from you, I guess you learn from me---although you’re older--- and white--- and somewhat more free.” He is exclaims to his professor that although he is just a student, his professor also learns more from his student. If we were to take a deeper look into it, he is saying that his white teacher can learn a lot from a black student about their life and how they feel. As a black man he is thought of as not having much freedom and is thought of as different but, in reality his professor can learn a deeper insight from his student. Also in lines 26-28 Hughes writes, “You are white--- yet part of me, as I am a part of you. That’s American.” He wants to show that although being black, in the end they are both Americans. Being American can mean a diversity in different races but, being black there has been more of a separation making the statement of being American vague. It isn’t being American if you don’t have that feeling of being equal to one …show more content…

He was able to express his pride through conveying words on how he would rather not be a white man compared to a black man he is now. For example, in lines 24-26 of Theme For English B Hughes writes, “Sometimes perhaps you don’t want me to be a part of me. Nor do I often want to be a part of you. But we are, that’s true.” He is stating how he’d rather be his own color and not be one of a white man. Although black people go through more a struggle and have more difficulties surviving in a city of white people. He rather chose to endure that struggle and live the life that he has. Also in line 10 of Theme For English B Hughes writes, “I am the only colored student in my class.” He mentions this to show that he is different from the rest of his class. Although being different, it makes him more unique compared to the others. A sense of being different allows you to branch off and show your true colors and in this case he is able to show off his skin